I'm community wikiing this, since although I don't want it to be a discussion thread, I don't think that there is really a right answer to this. From what I've seen, model theorists and logicians are mostly opposed to GCH, while on the other end of the spectrum, a lot of functional analysis depends on GCH. In fact, I considered myself very much +GCH for a while, but Joel and Francois noted some interesting stuff about forcing axioms, (the more powerful ones directly contradict CH). What is the general opinion on GCH in the mathematical community (replace GCH with CH where necessary)?Does it happen to be that CH/GCH don't often come up in algebra? Please don't post just post "I agree with +-CH". I'd like your assessment of the mathematical community's opinion. Maybe your experiences with mathematicians you know, etc. Even your own experiences or opinion can work. I am just not interested in having 30 or 40 one line answers. Essentially, I'm not looking for a poll.