These are the parameters for Hadamard 2-designs. Let $H$ be an $n\times n$ Hadamard matrix, where $n=4m$, normalized so that all entries in the first row are equal to 1. Each row apart from the first gives a partition of 
$\{1,\ldots,n\}$ into two sets of size $n/2$, hence we get
$2n-2$ blocks of size $n/2$. The resulting incidence structure is a 
2-design: because the columns of $H$ are pairwise orthogonal, any two columns differ in exactly $n/2$ positions and so any two points lie in exactly $(n-2)/2$ blocks. 

Also the designs constructed from Hadamard matrices as above are 3-designs, and it
can be show that any 3-design with these parameters arises in this way.