From (Italian, very nice book):"Lezioni di Geometria Analitica e Proiettiva" by Beltrametti, CArletti, Gallarati, Bragadin (pag. 21): Let $K$ a field, $V:= K^{n+1}$ and let $e_1,\ldots, e_{n+1}$ a base (canonical or not) of $V$. Let $W\subset K^{n+1}$ a $K$-vectorial subspace with dimention $r+1$, and let $v_1,\ldots, v_{r+1}$ a base of $W$, with $v_m= a^1_m\cdot e_1 + \ldots a^{n+1}_m\cdot e_n$ for $1\leq m\leq r+1$ Let $M$ the matrix with ($n+1$) row's: $x_1, a^1_1\ldots, a^1_{r+1} $ $x_2, a^2_1\ldots, a^2_{r+1} $ $\ldots, \ldots, \ldots$ $\ldots, \ldots, \ldots$ $x_{n+1}, a^{n+1}_1, \ldots a^{n+1}$ (the last element is $a^{n+1}_{r+1}$) The book assert (mentioning Kronecker theorem) that *the $r+2$-minor's of $M$* (these are $\binom{n+1}{r+2}$) *considered as linear forms (grade 1 homogeneous polynomial) on variables* $x_1,\ldots, x_n$ *are linearly dependent, and there are $n-r$ (and no more) linearly independent $r+2$-minors.* Is this true? How to prove this?