I am thinking of 3-manifolds as arising from Heegaard splittings which I am thinking about in terms of Heegaard diagrams.  I know that 3-manifold groups are rather special in the class of all finitely presentable groups.  

I know how to go from a Heegaard diagram ($g$ red curves and $g$ blue curves each forming a cut system on a genus $g$ closed orientable surface) to a presentation for $\pi_1$ - namely I have $g$-generators coming from the red handlebody $g$ relations coming from the disks attached along the blue curves.  To find the relations I just orient all of the curves and the surface and for each blue curve I read off the word in the red curves (with the signs of the intersections determining the sign of the words).  

I would like to know some explicit balanced group presentations that I can not get in this way - and I would like to see why I can't embed the curves if possible. Of course $< a ,b | [a,b] , [a,b]^2>$ for example fits the bill, since $\mathbb{Z}^2$ is not the fundamental group of a compact 3-manifold.  But I would like a more "curves on surfaces" type explanation.  

Ideally, I would like some explicit necessary and/or sufficient condition for a word or collection of words to be realizable by embedded curves as above.   
