I have finally found the following papers and results, which predate Nagura's paper of 1952. I cite them from newest to oldest:
- (Molsen, 1941):
- For $n\geq 118$ there are primes in $(n,\frac43n)$ congruent to 1,5,7,11 modulo 12.
- For $n\geq 199$ there are primes in $(n,\frac87n)$ congruent to 1,2 modulo 3. This result implies that of Nagura.
- (Breusch, 1932):
- For $n\geq 7$ there are primes in $(n,2n)$ congruent to 1,2 modulo 3 and to 1,3 modulo 4.
- For $n\geq 48$ there is a prime in $(n,\frac98n)$. This result implies those of Nagura and Molsen (but not the congruences part).
- (Schur, 1929, according to Breusch in the previous paper):
- For $n\geq 24$ there is a prime in $(n,\frac54n)$. This result already implies those of Hanson and El Bachraoui.
I. Schur, Einige Sätze über Primzahlen mit Anwendungen auf Irreduzibilitätsfragen I, Sitzungsberichte der preuss. Akad. d. Wissensch., phys.-math. Klasse 1929, S.128.