Hairer in his [spdes notes][1] on pg.6, says that GFF is the stationary solution of $u_{t}(z)=\Delta u(z)+\xi(z,t)$, where 
$\xi$ is the space-time white noise
$$\xi(x,t)=\sum \sqrt{\lambda_{k}} B_{k}(t)e_{k}(x)$$
for iid Brownian motions $B_{k}$ and L2 basis $e_{k}$. So that means we take
$$u(x,t)=\Delta^{-1}\xi(x,t). $$
and that at each fixed time it is a GFF 
$$h(x)=\sum \frac{1}{\sqrt{\lambda_{k}}} B_{k}(t)e_{k}(x).$$

Does SHE converge to a steady state? Is it the GFF? Do we also have some limiting results? Any rates?

From the same notes if we compute and expand the covariance for SHE we have


and so even though for each fixed we have a GFF like object, for $t\to \infty$ the covariance becomes infinite.   
