First of all, $\int_0^t\exp[B(t)-B(s)]\,dW(s)$ should be understood as $\exp[B(t)]\int_0^t\exp[-B(s)]\,dW(s)$, otherwise, the integral couldn't be defined as an Ito's integral.
Using Ito's formula, we have
&\quad +\Bigl(e^{B(t)}\int_0^t\exp[-B(s)]\,ds\Bigr)\,dW(t)
+2\gamma \Bigl(e^{B(t)}\int_0^t\exp[-B(s)]\,ds\Bigr)\,dt \tag{1}
Denote $m(t)=\mathsf{E}[Z(t)]$, then $m(0)=0$ and from (1) we have
\begin{align} dm(t)&=2m(t)\,dt+\mathsf{E}\Bigl[e^{B(t)}\int_0^t e^{-B(s)}\,dW(s)\Bigr]
where we use following equalities:
\mathsf{E}\Bigl[e^{B(t)}\int_0^t e^{-B(s)}\,dW(s)\Bigr]&=2\gamma(e^{t/2}-1),\tag{3}\\
To get (3) using same way as above(Ito's formula and solving a ODE).
Now from (2) and $m(0)=0$ we could get the expression of $$m(t)=\mathsf{E}\Bigl[\int_0^t\exp[B(t)-B(s)]\,ds\int_0^t\exp[B(t)-B(s)]\,dW(s)\Bigr].$$
Please excuse me couldn't give the final expression, since the process includes
many details be checked.