The fusion category $\mathcal{C}_\ell$ of unitary highest weight representations of level $\ell$ of the loop group $LSU(2)$ is equivalent to ${\rm Rep}({\rm SU}_q(2))$ with $q = e^{\frac{i \pi}{\ell + 2}}$.
Now, for any simple object $\rho$ of $\mathcal{C}_\ell$ (characterized by its spin $i \le \ell/2$), there is a Jones-Wassermann subfactor (see this Jones' survey Section 6, or also this answer): $$ \rho (L_I)'' \subseteq \rho (L_{I^c})'$$ of index $\frac{sin^{2}(p\pi/m)}{sin^{2}(\pi/m)}$ with $m=\ell + 2$ and $p=2i+1$.
At spin $1/2$, it is exactly the Jones's original subfactor of index $4cos^2(\frac{\pi}{m})$.