My question is related to this [article by Oliver and Soundararajan]( (article about a bias in the distribution of the last digits of consecutive prime numbers). After trying some python experimental researches on the prime gaps, I notice a bias in the gaps around each last digits {1,3,7,9}. Could this bias be intrinsically linked to the bias found in the distribution of the last digits of consecutive prime numbers? Experimental results -------------------- Here some experimental plot results up to the 3,500,000th prime number. Two set-ups are calculated: 1. Cumulative and average gaps 2. Cumulative and occurence of particular gap size *** **1. Cumulative and average gaps** - 1.1 *Cumulative/average prime gaps **after** last digits:* [![Cumulative/average prime gaps **after** last digits][1]][1] + [*Cumulative/average prime gaps **before** last digits*][2] - 1.2 *Cumulative/average prime gaps **before + after** last digits* [![Cumulative/average prime gaps **before + after** last digits][3]][3] *** **2. Cumulative and occurence of a particular gap size** - 2.1 *Cumulative/occurence of **gaps size of 10** after last digits* [![Cumulative/occurence of gaps size of 10 after last digits][4]][4] - [*Animated cumulative/occurence per incremented gap sizes after last digits*][5] *** **3. Misc** - 3.1 *Additional research on a waveform script of the sieve of Ératosthène, colored by last digits:* [![plot 1][6]][6] + [plot 2][7] *** The script is on [colab.research and is ready to fork][8] [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: [8]: