Background =========== I have seen a few variants of this [Sum-and-Product puzzle]( in the past. The premise of these puzzles is as follows >Sam hears the sum of two numbers, Polly the product. The numbers are known to be between m and M. >S: "You don't know the numbers" >P: "That was true, but now I do" >S: "Now I do too" >What are the numbers? A [set of papers from 2006]( refer to this as the Freudenthal Problem `Freudenthal(m,M)`. I have been specifically interested in classifying solutions when $m=3$, and $M$ is unbounded. Assuming a modified form of Goldbach's conjecture, the authors prove that whether the numbers are known to be distinct or not does not change the solutions when $m=2$ and $m=3$, so I have removed their superscript distinguishing the case. The authors also give a rather naive algorithm that enumerates solutions ordered by sum. They generate solutions for `Freudenthal(3,*)` up to a sum of 50,000, and find that there are 804 stable solutions, and 288 phantom solutions that rely on the presence of an upper bound. My own findings =============== I wrote [a program]( that very efficiently generates solutions, also ordered by sum, and improved the highest sum by an order of magnitude overnight. I then defined the "Freudenthal Partition Function" $F(s)$. The domain of this function is any sum $s$ which allows the first statement by Sam. The value $F(s)$ is the number of options remaining in Sam's mind after Polly's statement. There is a lot to unpack in this function, so I will go into detail. Domain of $F$ ------------- With $m=3$, the products which allow Polly to immediately deduce the numbers are any of the following: * Odd semiprimes * 4 times an odd prime (numbers must be 4 and p) * 2 times the square of an odd prime (numbers must be p and 2p) For Sam to make his first claim, the number cannot be the sum of two odd primes, sum of a prime and 4, or 3p for some p. What remains is the set $S$, which is the domain of $F$. Assume the Goldbach conjecture so that all even numbers are eliminated from $S$ outright. Then $s\in S$ iff $s$ is odd, $s-4$ is composite, and $s\ne 3p$ for some prime $p$. This set can be efficiently generated. Computing $F(s)$ --------------- Start with a list of all even integers. Iterate over all pairs $\{(s,a)\mid s \in S, a \in \mathbb{Z}, 3 \le a \le s/2\}$ and place a tally next to $a(s-a)$. For computability's sake, proceed lexicographically by $s$ then $a$. After this procedure passes $s_0$, all tally counts on integers up to $3s_0-9$ are stable. Define the set $P$ to be all the integers with exactly one tally. $p \in P$ has the following properties: * $p$ is not uniquely factorable into two divisors in the set $\{z\mid z \in \mathbb{Z}, z\ge 3\}$ (guaranteed since they were reached from $S$). * $p$ has a unique divisor pair $\{d,p/d\}$ such that $d + p/d \in S$. Equivalently, if Polly was told the number $p$, then the first two lines of the puzzle are satisfiable. To compute $F(s)$ given $P$, iterate over $\{a \mid 3\le a\le s/2\}$ and count the number of $a$ for which $a(s-a) \in P$. Using $F(s)$ ------------- If $F(s)=1$, then Sam, upon hearing Polly's statement, can deduce the numbers. This corresponds to a solution to the puzzle. Other claims I will make about the behavior of $F(s)$ are just conjectures. If $F(s)=0$, then there seems to always exists some upper bound $M$ such that an integer which had two tallies loses one, and $P$ gets a new element which causes the puzzle to be satisfiable. These correspond identically to what the authors of the 2006 paper called "phantom solutions". Indeed, for $s<50,000$, there are 804 instances where $F(s)=1$, and 288 instances where $F(s)=0$. [A graph of $F(s)$ is found here]( for $s$ up to around 260,000. The function has three very distinct branches, corresponding to congruence classes mod 3. The bottom branch, which produces all known solutions, has $s\equiv 2 \pmod{3}$. The solution pairs themselves ----------------------------- A [list of the 3141 smallest pairs ordered by sum can be found here]( I list the even number, then the odd number. The same pairs ordered by even number can be found [here, and is more illuminating]( A notable oddity is $(4, 137233)$, the only currently-known pair to include the value 4. This was missed entirely by the original papers. The pairs seem to all be of the form $(4^np,q)$, where $n>0$, $p$ is either 1 or prime, and $q$ is either prime or the product of a small number of primes. All prime factors of $p$ and $q$ are congruent to $1 \pmod{3}$. Non-solutions and what we can learn from them --------------------------------------------- For every $s$, there are $F(s)$ pairs that can be considered "candidate solutions." If $F(s)>1$, they are not solutions, but in the lowest branch they share many properties of solutions. For example, $F(53) = 2$, and the contributing pairs are $(4,49)$ and $(16,37)$. This could have allowed one to see that 4 is viable as one of the two numbers, even without finding the first example of $(4, 137233)$. Looking at all candidate solutions for $s\equiv 2 \pmod{3}$, we find a very small set of exceptions to the $(4^np,q)$ trend. The exceptional pairs with sum less than 500,000 are * $(32,27)$ * $(128,9)$ * $(512,3)$ * $(2048,3)$ * $(32768,3)$ * $(32768,27)$ All are $(2^k,3^l)$ for $k$ odd and $l$ small. They all have $F(s)>1$ for their sum, so they are not solutions, but they lie in the bottom branch of the partition function and allow the puzzle to proceed through its first two statements. I checked (inefficiently) all pairs $(2^k,3^l)$ for odd $k\le 31$ and $l\le 10$, and found 5 other pairs which allow the first two statements to be satisfied, but in every case $F(s)>1$. It remains open whether there exists a true solution with this form. Edit: I have a program running to find pairs $(2^k,3^l)$ for which the first two statements can be satisfied, and for each pair, search for a witness to $F(s)>1$. For $k\le 219$ and $m\le 25$, there are 13 pairs with no witness of the form $(4^n,q)$. The much more computationally intensive task of confirming absence of a witness of the form $(4^n p,q)$ is likely intractable if the pair is a solution. Witnesses have been found for the smallest 7 pairs, the first pair with no known witness yet is $(2^{141}, 3)$. Results for $m\ge 4$ ==================== I used the same program to examine other values of the lower bound, with what I believe were the appropriate changes and assumptions. The header comment can help others verify the correctness. I did not find any solutions, in agreement with the conjecture put forth in in the papers. [Graphs of the corresponding Freudenthal Partition Functions]( diverge from 0, leaving no branch which could be believed to provide solutions. So, my question to mathoverflow is: Has there been anyone else thinking about this problem, and do they have results that supplement/contradict/dwarf those I have gathered? # Asymptotic behavior of $F(s)$ # I did some asymptotic analysis of $F(s)$. For a given $s$, I determined all the products with at most 3 odd factor sums such that one of those sums is $s$, and what numbers on the order of $s$ must be prime for $F(s)$ to increase by 1. This gives remarkably good fits for the three congruence classes. To reduce noise, I show here a moving average of $F(s)$, averaging the nearest hundred values in the same branch. [![Moving average of $F(s)$ with the labelled fits][1]][1] Notably, those $s \equiv 2 \pmod{3}$ have no growth at order $s/\log(s)^3$, always requiring an additional number to be prime and resulting in asymptotic growth at order $s/\log(s)^4$. This keeps $F(s)$ very near zero for those values we have seen, but means that $F(s)$ still grows without bound for these $s$. This has potential to imply that there are only finitely many solutions, although such a claim is still far off. I don't know how best to determine $\liminf\limits_{s \to \infty} F(s)$. # Arithmetic progressions $s_a$ with $F(s_a)$ exceptionally low # If one rephrases the argument which gave the asymptotic formula in terms of the probability $F(s)=1$, they predict that there are only finitely many solutions, and that over 95% have been seen by the point $s=100,000$. We know at least the latter to be false, so there are systematic failures of the argument. The leading order contribution to the lowest branch of $F(s)$ counts the instances where three things hold: * $s=4^kp+q$ for primes $p$ and $q$ with $k\ge 2$ * $s^\prime=4^k+pq \not\in S$, that is, $4^k+pq-4$ is prime. * $s^{\prime\prime}=4^kq+p \not\in S$, that is, $4^kq+p-4$ is prime. Note that $s^{\prime}-s=(4^k-p)(q-1)$ and $s^{\prime\prime}-s=(4^k-1)(q-p)$. The factor $4^k-1$ is independent of $p$ and $q$. When $s-4$ shares a factor with $4^k-1$, $s^{\prime\prime}$ is not prime for any $p,q$. Since $s\equiv 2\pmod{3}$ is necessary, $s-4$ cannot be a multiple of 3. If we define $k_m(s)$ to be the smallest $k\ge 2$ such that $(k,s-4)=1$, then we can refine the first bullet point above: * $s=4^kp+q$ for primes $p$ and $q$ with $k\ge k_m(s)$ We then refine our prediction about the asymptotic behavior of the low branch of $F(s)$: $F(s) \sim s\log(s)^{-4}4^{-k_m(s)}$ We may define $g(k)$ to be the smallest value not divisible by 3 and sharing a factor with $4^n-1$ for all $n\le k$, so $k_m(g(k))=k+1$, then $g(2)=5$, $g(3)=35$, $g(5)=385$, etc. Each defines an arithmetic progression with exceptionally low values of $F(s)$. Specifically, $s_{a,k}=\left\{\begin{array}{11} (6a+1)g(k)+4 & g(k)\equiv 1\pmod{6}\\ (6a+5)g(k)+4 & g(k)\equiv 5\pmod{6} \end{array} \right.$ Determining whether $F(s)$ takes the value 1 often, we must know the growth pattern of $g(k)$. $F(s_{0,k})\sim g(k)\log(g(k))^{-4}4^{-k}$ This appears to grow unbounded, though erratically. It returns to values near 1 at $k=30$ and $k=60$ before jumping upward. I conjecture that $\liminf\limits_{s \to \infty} F(s) = \liminf\limits_{k \to \infty} F(s_{0,k})$. I have checked the value of $F(s_{a,30})$ for $a \le 500$ and found 4 probable zeros and 7 probable solutions, the largest of which is $(4^{31}*459703, s_{34,30}-4^{31}*459703)$. This might be the largest solution. To determine $g(k)$, we must make a statement about the smallest prime factor of $(4^k-1)/3$. If $k$ is composite, then the smallest prime factor of $(4^k-1)/3$ is the smallest prime factor of $(4^d-1)/3$ for some divisor $d$ of $k$. This factor is present in $g(q)$ for all $q\ge d$, so if $k$ is composite we must have $g(k)=g(k-1)$. If $k$ and $2k+1$ are both prime, then given the recurrence $r_0=0$, $r_{n+1}=4r_n+3 \pmod{2k+1}$, we have $r_k=0$, and so $4^k-1$ is divisible by $2k+1$. If $k$ is prime and there is not a value of the form $ck+1$ for which the recurrence relation above holds, then the smallest prime factor of $(4^k-1)/3$ might be $(2^k+1)/3$. This happens for $k=7,13,17,19,31,61,...$. At the moment I don't have a full understanding of why primality of both $k$ and $6k+1$ is able to predict a factor of $6k+1$ in $4^k-1$ when $k=37$, but not when $k=17$. The jumps upward in $g(k)$ when it must now include a factor of $(2^k+1)/3$ have increasing magnitude and seem to indicate unbounded growth of the expression $g(k)\log(g(k))^{-4}4^{-k}$, although proving this is beyond my ability. Unbounded growth of this expression would imply with high certainty that there are finitely many solutions to the Freudenthal problem `Freudenthal(3,*)`. Is there an approach to proving this? [1]: