As one can easily prove every integer greater than $1$ is a sum of two squarefree numbers.

Can we have bounds for the length of these numbers? I write $(n,m)$ to denote the sum of a 
squarefree number of n prime factors to one of m prime factors, when $n$ or $m$  $=0$ then i mean that the summand is $1$.

 Chenn's theorem asserts that for large enough even  numbers the length $(2,1)$ is enough Goldbach's conjecture says that $(1,1)$ would be enough too.

>CONJECTURE: Every odd number can be written as a sum of two squarefree numbers of length at most $(2,1)$ (meaning as a sum of a prime and a double of a prime or a sum of a prime plus 2 or as a sum of 1 plus a double of a prime) 


>do i really need the prime plus 2 or the 1 plus the double of a prime in order to have all the odd numbers? It seems too difficult to me to prove that i do not need them.

>What is the relation of this conjecture to Goldbach's conjecture? does the one implies the other?

I apologise for the elementary style of my question , i think that this conjecture is well known but i haven't met it. If it is well known maybe we it is known the relation to the Goldbach Conjecture. Maybe i miss something obvious...