I am trying to get a hold on a copy of a 1988 paper by M. Naimi. It appears in MR as [MR0950949](https://mathscinet.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=0950949) and in zbMATH as [Zbl 0669.10066](https://www.zbmath.org/?q=an%3A0669.10066). Its title is "Les entiers sans facteurs carré $\le x$ dont leurs facteurs premiers $\le y$". It was published in Publications Mathématiques d'Orsay, vol. 88, as part of a book it seems.

On the [Publ. Math. Orsay website][1] it seems there is no information on the paper or volume. 

Any help on getting a copy would be appreciated. I have tried contacting the author directly but that didn't help.

  [1]: http://sites.mathdoc.fr/PMO/