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Added link because the notion of "very good" is not so well known.
David White
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Very good cylinder and strong deformation retract

Let $\mathcal{M}$ be a model category and let $C:\mathcal{M}\to\mathcal{M}$ be a very good cylinder object. The natural transformations coming with $C$ are denoted by $\gamma^\epsilon_X:X\to CX$ with $\epsilon=0,1$ and $\sigma_X:CX\to X$. In this setting, a deformation retract is a map $i:Z\to Y$ such that there exists a retract $r:Y\to Z$ ($ri=1_Y$) such that the maps $ir$ and $1_Y$ are left homotopic, i.e., there exists a map $h:CY\to Y$ such that $h\gamma^0_Y=ir$ and $h\gamma^1_Y=1_Y$. The deformation retract is strong if moreover $h$ can be chosen so that $\sigma_Y C(i) = h C(i)$.

I can prove that $\gamma^0_X:X\to CX$ is a deformation retract, I would like to prove that it is a strong deformation retract.

Proof that it is a deformation retract. Consider the commutative diagram $\require{AMScd}$ \begin{CD} CX \sqcup CX @>\gamma^0_X\sigma_X \sqcup 1_{CX} >> CX\\ @V \gamma_{CX} V V= @VV \sigma_X V\\ CCX @>>\sigma_X \sigma_{CX}> X. \end{CD} The left vertical map is a cofibration and the right vertical map is a trivial fibration since the cylinder is very good. Thus, the existence of a lift $h:CCX\to CX$.