General fact: Let $A_{-1} \subset \ldots A_n \subset \ldots$ be a filtration of cellular inclusions of $CW$ complexes. (More generally, let this be a filtration of cofibrations). Then $A_n$ contractible in $A_{n+1}$ $\implies$ $A:=\operatorname{colim}_n A_n$ is contractible. (Here $A$ is given the weak topology.)
Proof: Consider the composition $A_n \times I \xrightarrow{\text{contraction}} A_{n+1} \to A$. Since $A_n \to A$ is a cofibration, extend the above map to a map $A \times I \xrightarrow{\alpha_n} A$. The map $f: A\times I \to A$ defined by $f|_t=\alpha_{n+1}(2^{n+1} t-2^{n+1}+2)\circ\alpha_n(1)\circ\ldots\circ\alpha_1(1)$ for $1-\frac{1}{2^n}\leq t \leq 1-\frac{1}{2^{n+1}}$, is the required retraction. It is continuous because $f|_t$ is continuous when restricted to each $A_n$ and obviously $f|_a$ is continuous for all $a \in A$.
Now give $S^\infty$ the canonical $\mathbb{Z}/2$ equivariant cell structure (i.e. the pullback of the canonical cell structure on $RP^\infty$). The skeletal filtration satisfies the hypotheses of this general fact: $S^n \xrightarrow{i} S^{n+1}$ is null homotopic: $S^{n+1}$ can be given an $n$-skeleton that is a point. By the cellular approximation theorem, the map $i$ is homotopic to one that factors through this particular $n$-skeleton.
I guess this is more complicated than the other answers but this shows that a lot of other things are contractible too (like Milnor space).