One answer to your question comes from the paper *The Weber-Seifert dodecahedral space is non-Haken* by Burton, Rubinstein, and Tillmann. An earlier and "easier" example is the $(1, 2)$-Dehn filling of the figure-eight knot. This manifold is hyperbolic (4.22) and non-Haken (4.41). The references are page numbers in [Thurston's lecture notes][1]. Finally, we can use SnapPy to find presentations of the fundamental groups. Before filling: ``` In[1]: M = Manifold("4_1") In[2]: M.fundamental_group() Out[2]: Generators: a,b Relators: abbbaBAAB ``` After filling: ``` In[3]: M.dehn_fill((1, 2)) In[4]: M.fundamental_group() Out[4]: Generators: a,b Relators: abbbaBAAB abAbaBabAbaBAB ``` [1]: