Yes, there is a general argument. By standard properties of Weil restrictions, we have $R(L) = \prod_{\sigma} \mathbb{G}_m(L)$, where the product is taken over the different $K$-linear embeddings of $L$ into some algebraic closure $\overline{K}$ and where $G$ acts on the factors in a natural way. In other words, we have that $R(L) = \mathbb{Z}[G] \otimes \mathbb{G}_m(L)$, as $G$-modules, and it is an easy exercise that this implies that $R(L) \cong \operatorname{Ind}^G_{\{1\}}(\mathbb{G}_m(L))$. Finally, by Shapiro's lemma, the $\operatorname{H}^1$ of this vanishes.