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Historical transition from classical homotopy to modern homotopy theory

I plan to begin seriously studying model categories and their applications to homotopy theory this summer. But I was hoping the topologists and historians in here could help me with something related: I was hoping to begin a push to get George Whitehead's ELEMENTS OF HOMOTOPY THEORY republished in a nice expensive edition for students. But looking at Whitehead's opus, it's amazing how alien most of it looks compared to the model categoric approach used today-long calculations with complexes and spectral sequences-and many problems were simply too difficult to attack directly.

My problem is if this work was republished, there really should be some historical context attached to it so students could transition from it to the more abstract methods today. (Sadly, Whitehead himself was planning a second volume detailing the model categorical approach-which was just beginning to become widely used in research at that point-and apparently he gave up attempting to compose it before he passed away.) Does anyone know a good historical account of the transitional works between classical homotopy theory and the modern approach? I was hoping Whitehead's own "50 Years Of Homotopy Theory" would do the job and it would be perfect to bookend with the treatise, but it's not really about that. None of the review articles on model categories-like Dwyer, do this either.

Can anyone outline historically this development for me?