I have n sectors, enumerated 0 to n-1 counterclockwise. The boundaries between these sectors are infinite branches (n of them). The sectors live in the complex plane, and for n even, sector 0 and n/2 are bisected by the real axis, and the sectors are evenly spaced.
These branches meet at certain points, called junctions. Each junction is adjacent to a subset of the sectors (at least 3 of them).
Specifying the junctions, (in pre-fix order, lets say, starting from junction adjacent to sector 0 and 1), and the distance between the junctions, uniquely describes the tree.
Now, given such a representation, how can I see if it is symmetric wrt the real axis?
For example, n=6, the tree (0,1,5)(1,2,4,5)(2,3,4) have three junctions on the real line, so it is symmetric wrt the real axis. If the distances between (015) and (1245) is equal to distance from (1245) to (234), this is also symmetric wrt the imaginary axis.
The tree (0,1,5)(1,2,5)(2,4,5)(2,3,4) have 4 junctions, and this is never symmetric wrt either imaginary or real axis, but it has 180 degrees rotation symmetry if the distance between the first two and the last two junctions in the representation are equal.
Edit: Here are all trees with 6 branches, distances 1. http://www2.math.su.se/~per/files/allTrees.pdf
So, given the description/representation, I want to find some algorithm to decide if it is symmetric wrt real, imaginary, and rotation 180 degrees. The last example have 180 degree symmetry.
Edit 2: If all length of the distances between the junctions were all the same, it is quite easy to find the reflection/rotation of a tree. The problem arises when the distances are of unequal length.
Notice that if I have a regular n-gon, with some non-intersecting chords, is sort of the dual to my trees. I use this in the drawing algorithm, for those that wonder.
That is, I create the n roots of unity (possible with some rotation), then the angle between junction (123) and (345) would be the same as for the mean of vertices 1,2,3 to the mean of vertices 3,4,5 in this n-gon.
The angles in the drawing is not really important, you may change the angles, but the order of the long branches should be the same, and you cannot rotate the tree.