Let $\ \mathbb N:= \{1\ 2\ \ldots\}\ $ be the set of natural numbers. Let $\ \mathbb P:=\{2\,\ 3\,\ 5\,\ 7\,\ 11\,\ \ldots\}\ $ be the set of primes. Then natural radical $\ rad(n)\ $ is
$$ rad(n)\ :=\ \prod\,\{p\in\mathbb P: p\,|\,n\} $$
for every $\ n\in\mathbb N$. Define
$$ \rho\ :=\ \sum_{N\in\mathbb N}\,\frac 1{n\cdot rad(n)} $$
hence $\ \rho > \frac{\pi^2}6.\ $ Furthermore, it'd be an exercise for 1' year college students (or advanced high school students) to show that $\ \rho<\infty.\ $ Don't tell them too early that
$$\ \rho\ =\ \prod_{p\in \mathbb P}\,\left(1+\frac 1{p\cdot(p-1)}\right) $$
QUESTION $\ $ Can you find (yourself or a reference) an algerbaic expression, possibly in terms of $\pi$ and/or $e$ for $\rho$.
Something like $\ \frac{\pi^{\frac 52}}6$ or similar.
More generally, let
$$ \rho(s)\ :=\ \sum_{n\in\mathbb N}\,\frac 1{n\cdot (rad(n))^s} $$
for every complex $\ s\in\mathbb C\ $ such that it's real part is positive,$\ \Re(s)>0.\ $ Thus
$$ \rho(s)\ =\ \prod_{p\in\mathbb P}\, \left(1+\frac 1{p^s\cdot(p-1)}\right) $$
QUESTION A $\ $What would be the compact expressions for $\ \rho(n)\ $ for all or as many natural values of $\ n\ $ as possible?
QUESTION B $\ $ What are the other formulas for $\ \rho(s)\ $ in the style of multiplicative number theory.
QUESTION C $\ $ How does the complex analytic extension of $\ \rho(s)\ $ look like?
$\qquad\qquad\qquad$ NOTES
Here is my third personal proof (:-) of the infinitude of primes:
THEOREM (Euclid) $\ |\mathbb P| = \infty$
PROOF $\ $ We see from the product representation of $\ \rho\ $ that $\ \rho<\infty\ $ in general, and especially if $|\mathbb P|<\infty.\ $
On the other hand, when $\ |\mathbb P|<\infty$ then $\ r:=\prod\mathbb P\in\mathbb N.\ $ Then
$$ \rho\ >\ \sum_{k=1}^n\,\frac 1{k\cdot rad(k)}\ \ge\ \frac 1r \cdot\sum_{k=1}^n\,\frac 1k\ \longrightarrow\ \infty $$
when $\ n\rightarrow\infty.\ $ Assumption $\ |\mathbb P|<\infty\ $ has lead us to a contradiction.
END of proof