$\newcommand{\bR}{\mathbb{R}}$ $\newcommand{\ii}{\boldsymbol{i}}$ $\newcommand{\eW}{\mathscr{W}}$ Suppose that $w :\bR\to [0,\infty)$ is a Schwartz function. and define $$ f: \bR\to \bR,\;\; f(t)=w(t^2). $$ We can use the function $f$ to define for any positive integer $m$ a Schwartz function $$ F_m:\bR^m\to \bR,\;\;F_m(\vec{x})=f(|\vec{x}|)=w(|\vec{x}|^2). $$ We denote by $\widehat{F}_m(\xi)$ its Fourier transform. For any $\vec{x}$ we denote by $H_m(w, \vec{\xi})$ the Hessian of $\widehat{F}_m$ at $\vec{\xi}$. **Problem 1.** > Fix a positive integer $m$. Describe the set > $\eW_m$ of weights $w$ such > that > > $$ H_m(w,\xi) < H_m(w, 0), \;\; > \forall \vec{\xi}\neq 0. $$ Above, for two symmetric matrices $A$, $B$ the inequality $A< B$ signifies that $B-A$ is positive definite. **Problem 2.** > Describe the set > > $$\eW:=\bigcap_{m>0}\eW_m. $$ Here is some information about $\eW$. **A.** For any positive Schwartz function and any $m>0$ we have $$ H_m(w,\vec{x})< H_m(w<0) $$ if $|\vec{\xi}|$ is sufficiently small, or sufficiently large. Thus the problem is about what happens in between. **B.** For any $c>0$ we have $w(s)=e^{-c s/2}\in\eW$. Indeed $f(t)=e^{-ct^2/2}$ $$\widehat{F}_m(\vec{\xi})=const_m e^{-\frac{|\vec{\xi}|^2}{2c}}. $$ **C.** $\eW$ is a convex cone. In particular, any linear combination $$ w(t)=\sum_i A_i e^{-c_it/2},\;\;A_i>0, $$ belongs to $\eW$. This implies that if the Schwartz function $w(t)$ is the Laplace transform of a positive finite measure $\mu$ on $[0,\infty)$, then $w(t)\in\eW$. The classical *Hausdorff-Bernstein theorem* shows that this happens if and only if $w$ is completely monotone i.e., $$(-1)^k w^{(k)}(t)\geq 0,\;;\forall t>0, \;\;\forall k\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq 0}. $$ Thus $\eW$ contains all the completely monotone Schwartz functions. Here is a plausible **Conjecture** (a) The weight $w$ belongs to $\eW$ if and only if $w$ is completely monotone. (b) $\eW_m \neq \eW$, $\forall m$.