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David E Speyer
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As GH from MO says, it depends what you think is a closed form.

Any function of the form $P(n)/Q(n)$ with $\deg P \leq \deg Q -2$ can be written as a linear combination of $1/(n+1) - 1/(n+\alpha)$ and $1/(n+\alpha)^k$, for various $\alpha$ and various $k>1$. (Use partial fraction decomposition. The bound on $\deg P$ ensures that the coefficients of $1/(n+1)$ will cancel out.)

The sum $\sum \left( \frac{1}{n+1} - \frac{1}{n+\alpha} \right)$ is $\gamma+\psi(\alpha)$, where $\psi$ is the digamma function. The sum $\sum \frac{1}{(n+\alpha)^k}$ is the polygamma function $\psi^k(z)$. In both cases, it is worth noting the recurrence identities and reflection relations in the linked Wikipedia articles, which let you relate values at $\alpha$ to values at $m \pm \alpha$, for $m$ an integer.

David E Speyer
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