Cross-post from [MSE][1]. ---------- Suppose $(M,g)$ be a (for simplicity consider closed) Riemannian manifold. Because every parallel $p$-form $\omega$ is harmonic so the $p$-th Betti number should be positive i.e. $b_p\geq 1$. How to see this using De Rham cohomology? (of course without using properties of Hodge theory like $\delta$, 1-1 correspondence between De Rham and Harmonic forms, etc.) It is well-known that parallel forms are closed. The more involved part is showing that it is not exact. Such an easy argument based on harmonic forms I think there must be similar easy argument based on De Rham cohomology or it needs somewhat difficult and tricky argument similar to the [proof of Poincaré lemma][2]? [1]: [2]: