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changed the approach that answers the question

For $K/E$ a number fields extension and $F/E$ a Galois extension, how is the ramification in $F\cdot K/K$ related to the one in $F/E$?

Studying class field theory, I have come across the following Proposition:

Proposition. Let $K/E$ be an extension of number fields so that there is no nontrivial unramified subextension $F/E$ with $Gal(F/E)$ abelian. Then $h_E$ divides $h_K$.

In the proof, $H$ denotes the Hilbert class field of $E$ and it is derived that $Gal(HK/K)\cong Gal(H/E)$, which I was able to understand why it holds. Then the author says that this isomorphism also gives that $Gal(HK/K)$ is an unramified abelian extension of $K$.

Edit: Following KConrad's suggestion in the comments, I started looking in the more general context, when $K/E$ a number fields extension and $F/E$ a Galois extension, how is the ramification in $F\cdot K/K$ related to the one in $F/E$. Unfortunately, I do not know how to start off.

I am familiar with the notions of Decomposition group, Inertia group and Frobenius element, in case any of these are relevant to the answer.