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David E Speyer
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With the problem as stated, the answer is $n-k+1$. Take the uniform matroid of rank $1$ on $n-k+1$ elements and direct sum with $k-1$ co-loops. (Geometrically, take the standard basis $e_1$, $e_2$, ..., $e_k$ of $\mathbb{R}^k$ and duplicate the first basis element $n-k+1$ times.)

To see that this is optimal, suppose for the sake of contradiction that we could achieve $n-k$ bases: $B_1$, $B_2$, ..., $B_{n-k}$. Consider the exchange graph, where $B_i$ and $B_j$ are connected by an edge if $\#(B_i \setminus B_j)= \#(B_j \setminus B_i) = 1$. It is known to be connected. Reorder the $B_i$ such that the induced subgraph on $B_1$, $B_2$, ..., $B_r$ is connected. Then, for $2 \leq r \leq n-k$, there is at most one element of $B_r$ not in $\bigcup_{1 \leq i<r} B_i$. We deduce that $\# \bigcup_{1 \leq i \leq n-k} B_i \leq \# B_1 + (n-k-1) = n-1$. So there is some element not in $\bigcup B_i$, and this element is not independent.

As I commented above, I think it would be more natural to impose that $M$ has neither loops nor co-loops. In that case, I do not know the answer.

David E Speyer
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