I'm interested in (node/edge-)**symmetric 6-regular graphs on 20 vertices and 60 edges**, especially ones with a **A5/icosahedral/dodecahedral symmetry group** and especially their chromatic number. So far I have two nonisomorphic constructions (with one resp. two triangle per edge)...both I want to **identify** and/or obtain a minimal **coloring**.

**The first one has alreday been colored here, see below! (Thanks again, Robert)**

Both start with the **dodecahedron 1-sceleton**, which is a **3-regular graph on 20 vertices**. Take only the vertex set (!) and draw edges whenever... 

- two vertices lay in a face pentagon and are diagonal there.
- two vertices lay in a pair of adjacient face pentagons and are connected by a short 
diagonal (hence lay in different pentagons!).
- ...maybe you have similar ideas? I've also tried other platonic solids but these seem very sporadic cases.... ;-)

The resulting graphs are **6-regular with $1$ resp. $2$ triangles**. Has anybody seen (or colored ;-) them?

Thank you in advance for any hint :-)

*OLD QUESTION FOR THE FIRST GRAPH. I was studying the graph, that arrises from taking vertices of a dodecahedron and connecting diagonals in any face pentagon - yielding pentagrams instead of pentagons on each face. Alternatively, it is the 1-sceleton of the "great ditrigonal icosidodecahedron"*

*This is a symmetric 6-regular graph with 20 vertices and hence 60 edges. There is exactly one common neighbour to each pair of adjacient vertices, so it has a girth of "barely" 3.*

*This must be a rather exceptional graph? But I could not find it to be named....*

*Especially I would like to know if the chromatic number is 4 or 5, and even if it is 4 whether one can know all (few?) such colorings ?? At least I could not find any "symmetric colorings"...which means the orbit of colorings under automorphisms should be large, (not only) this especially I mean with "few"*