Warning: The following answer has a gap, and I do not know if it could be fixed. I leave it for consideration, now that I already wrote it. (It does work, in ZFC, but under the additional assumption that $X$ is measurable.)
Repeat the usual construction of a Bernstein set: Let $\{F_\alpha: \alpha < \mathfrak c = 2^{\aleph_0}\}$ be a list of all closed uncountable subsets of the real line. Call a set $S$ free if it contains no three different points $x,y,z$ with $y-x=z-y$ (that is, no points with $y=\frac{x+z}2$). Let $E(S)=\{z\in\mathbb R\setminus S: \exists x,y\in S, z=\frac{x+y}2,\mathrm{\ or\ } z=y+(y-x)\}$, that is $E(S)$ are the excluded (or "forbidden") points for $S$. (Note that $z=y+(y-x)$ could be to the left or to the right of $y$, depending on whether $y-x$ is negative or positive.) For each $\alpha$ pick different $x_\alpha,y_\alpha\in F_\alpha$ such that if $P_\alpha=\{x_\beta:\beta<\alpha\}$ and $Q_\alpha=\{y_\beta:\beta<\alpha\}$ then we have :
$x_\alpha\not\in E(P_\alpha)\cup P_\alpha\cup Q_\alpha$, and $y_\alpha\not\in P_\alpha\cup Q_\alpha$.
(We could do this since $|F_\alpha|=\mathfrak c$, but $|E(P_\alpha)|\le\aleph_0\cdot |P_\alpha|\le\aleph_0\cdot|\alpha|<\mathfrak c$.)
Let $P=\{x_\alpha:\alpha<\mathfrak c\}$ and $Q=\mathbb R\setminus P$. Then each of $P$ and $Q$ is a Bernstein set of inner measure zero and full outer measure. Moreover, by construction $P$ is free. We have that $X\cap P=X\setminus Q$ and since $Q$ is of inner measure zero, the outer measure $m^*(X)=m^*(X\setminus Q)$ (this is the gap in my proof, this is not necessarily the case, unless we assume that $X$ is measurable). That is $m^*(X\cap P)=m^*(X)$, and $X\cap P$ is free since $P$ is.
Well, the gap is, I only know that $X$ has positive outer measure, but this does not rule out the possibility that $X$ is of inner measure zero, so it might happen that $X\subset Q$ and in that case $X\cap P$ would be empty.
I got mislead by the following answer (even if the answer is fine, but I didn't read it right, it only applies when we start with a measurable set, and the set $X$ above is not necessarily measurable):
A set $E$ with positive Lebesgue measure can be decomposed as a union $E=A\cup B$ where each of $A$ and $B$ have zero inner measure, and therefore each of $A$ and $B$ are nonmeasurable with $m^*(A)=m^*(B)=m(E)$.
Non Lebesgue measurable subsets with "large" outer measure