Fernando's answer tells you how to prove the statement directly. Alternatively, if you want a reference, this is proven in Corollary 3.6 of my PhD thesis paper (published in JPAA) [Model Structures on Commutative Monoids in General Model Categories][1]. I introduce an axiom that a monoidal model category $M$ can satisfy, the "strong commutative monoid axiom," which guarantees that: 

1. Commutative monoids in $M$ inherit a model structure transferred from $M$ along the forgetful functor $U$, meaning that a morphism $f$ is a weak equivalence or fibration if and only if $U(f)$ is in $M$, and
2. $U$ preserves cofibrations with cofibrant source.

Note that (1) implies immediately that $U$ preserves fibrant objects. Then, in Section 5.1, I verify that the example you mention does satisfy this axiom. Furthermore, the initial CDGA is cofibrant, so a corollary of (2) is that $U$ takes cofibrant CDGAs to cofibrant chain complexes (sometimes said "$U$ preserves cofibrant objects").

Disclaimer: In Section 5.1 of that paper, I only state the result for when $R$ is a commutative $\mathbb{Q}$-algebra. In a later paper, I make the observation that everything works when $R$ has characteristic zero. Search [Homotopical Adjoint Lifting Theorem][2] for "characteristic" to see. This paper was joint with Donald Yau and published in Applied Categorical Structures.

  [1]: https://arxiv.org/abs/1403.6759
  [2]: https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.01803