This problem seems to be equivalent to the problem of computing the exchange operator 
in the tensor product of two (quantum) symmetric powers $S^kV\otimes S^mV$ of the vector representation of the quantum sl(n), in the standard basis of the symmetric powers (about exchange operators see my paper with Varchenko arXiv:math/9801135 and my ICM talk arXiv:math/0207008). This can be computed if you know the fusion operator for these representations, which can be computed efficiently using the ABRR (Arnaudon-Buffenoir-Ragoucy-Roche) equation, see e.g. the appendix to arXiv:math/9801135. I am not sure if the answer is completely worked out anywhere, but there are at least some answers. For instance, see the paper arXiv:q-alg/9704005 where something is done even in the elliptic setting (which relates to elliptic 6j symbols of Frenkel-Turaev). What they do is compute the matrix elements for $m=1$, but the general $m$ can be obtained using the fusion procedure. This should be a really nice computation with a nice answer of the type you are expecting. In particular, in a special case you'll get coefficients of Macdonald's difference operators attached to symmetric powers.