The exterior algebra $\Lambda^*_kM$ [can be defined][1] for a $k$-module $M$, where $k$ is a commutative ring. A number of sources mention, without condition or proof, a (canonical) isomorphism $$(\Lambda^*_kM)^\vee\cong\Lambda^*_k(M^\vee),$$ where $M^\vee:=\operatorname{Hom}_k(M,k)$ is the dual of $M$. Any proofs I can find, however, are for $M$ a finitely-generated vector space and $k$ a field, with no discussion of other cases. Which, if any, of these conditions are needed for the isomorphism? Several proofs construct a homomorphism without these conditions, but argue in terms of a finite basis to show isomorphy. 

Examples of the result stated without conditions or proof: in their 1961 paper [Differential forms on regular affine algebras](, Hochschild–Konstant–Rosenberg state that "dual of exterior algebra $\simeq$ exterior algebra over dual". Similarly stated in Fulton–Harris' [Representation Theory][3]. They work over a field, but make no mention of finite-generation. 

Examples of proofs/proof sketches over a finitely-generated vector space over a a field: Stack Exchange questions [1][4], [2][5], [3][6], this [Math Overflow question][7], [Conrad's review][8].

  [1]: "Conrad - Exterior powers"
  [4]: "Dual space of exterior power and exterior power of dual space"
  [5]: "Answer by Qiaochu Yuan to 'Exterior power of dual space'"
  [6]: "Answer by Qiaochu Yuan to 'Signs in the natural map \$\Lambda^k V \otimes \Lambda^k V^* \to \Bbbk\$'"
  [7]: "\"Natural\" pairings between exterior powers of a vector space and its dual"
  [8]: "Conrad - Tensor algebras, tensor pairings, and duality"