This is the 0-1 [quadratic knapsack problem][1], which is NP-hard.  The binary decision variables $x_i$ indicate whether $i\in S$, and the knapsack capacity is $k$.

You can solve it via integer linear programming as follows.  For $i<j$, let binary decision variable $y_{i,j}$ represent $x_i x_j$.  The problem is to maximize $\sum_i M_{i,i} x_i + \sum_{i<j} (M_{i,j}+M_{j,i}) y_{i,j}$ subject to
y_{i,j} &\le x_i &\text{for $i<j$} \tag1 \\
y_{i,j} &\le x_j &\text{for $i<j$} \tag2 \\
y_{i,j} &\ge x_i + x_j - 1 &\text{for $i<j$} \tag3 \\
\sum_i x_i &\le k \tag4
Constraint $(1)$ enforces $y_{i,j} \implies x_i$. 
Constraint $(2)$ enforces $y_{i,j} \implies x_j$. 
Constraint $(3)$ enforces $(x_i \land x_j) \implies y_{i,j}$.
Constraint $(4)$ enforces $|S| \le k$.

If $M_{i,j} \ge 0$, you can omit $(3)$, which will naturally be satisfied because of the objective.
