I'd like to add two more examples. The first one is in the **negative direction**. Let $\pi:E^{2n}\rightarrow\mathbb{C}$ be an exact Lefschetz fibration, by the work of Seidel one can associate its Fukaya category $\mathscr{F}(\pi)$, which can be realized as a directed $A_\infty$ algebra or a diagonal bimodule. Denote by $\mathscr{F}(\pi)^\vee$ its dual bimodule. Seidel constructed the following bimodule map $\beta:\mathscr{F}(\pi)^\vee[-n]\rightarrow\mathscr{F}(\pi)$ which describes the natural transformation of degree $n$ from the Serre functor to the identity. It's an observation due to Maydanskiy that there are examples of exact Lefschetz fibrations with quasi-isomorphic $\mathscr{F}(\pi)$, but with different bimodule maps $\beta$. This shows that one should include $\beta$ as an additional piece of information to distinguish exact symplectic manifolds which admit Lefschetz fibrations. The second example is in the **positive direction**. Weiwei Wu proved the following: *The special isogenous tori are symplectomorphic if and only if they have equivalent derived Fukaya categories*. A special isogenous torus, by definition, is obtained by taking products of tori which are finite group quotients of a standard product torus. The proof is a combination of the result of Abouzaid-Smith on homological mirror symmetry for standard $T^{2n}$ and finite group actions on Fukaya categories which generalize the case of a $\mathbb{Z}/2$-action considered by Seidel in the definition of $\mathscr{F}(\pi)$. This result is also expected to be true for symplectic tori equipped with linear symplectic forms. **Addendum** Of course you may also think of monotone Fukaya categories, and that suggests you to take into consideration the scaling of the symplectic form. The reconstruction is most likely to be possible in the case when there is a well-defined mirror functor, which in turn means that the SYZ picture of mirror symmetry should somehow be compatible with homological mirror symmetry. Up to my knowledge, this is true only for $T^{2n}$, $(\mathbb{C}^\ast)^n$, Kodaira-Thurston manifold, or things like that.