There are some methods to construct a conic, example: [Based on Pascal theorem](, [Steiner construction]('s_projective_conic_definition), .....I propose a method to construct a conic as follows: > Let two parallel lines $L_1 \parallel L_2$, let $A, B, C, D$ be four points in the plane. Let $L$ be a line on the plane such that $L \parallel AB$. Let points $E=L \cap L_1, F=L \cap L_2$. Let circle (center $E$, radius $ED$) meets the circle (center $F$, radius $FC$) at two points $H$, $G$. > **My question:** I am looking for a proof that the locus of $G$, $H$ is a conic when we moved $L$ on the plane [![enter image description here][1]][1] See also: * [A chain of six circles associated with a conic]( [1]: