abx has already pointed out that your divisors are not the canonical divisors. Still, your (not-so-clear) question was maybe slughlty different, on "how to find the equation"?
If I understand your question, you have three divisors in a linear system, you want to consider the induced map on ${\mathbb P}^2$ and find the equation of minimal degree vanishing on the image (that is the equation of the image, unless the map is constant). I run similar computations as follows, by induction on the degree.
First you have to remove the common part, $P_1+P_2+2P_3$. So your map is defined by $\eta_1=4P_2$, $\eta_2=4P_1$, $\eta_3=P_1+P_2+2P_3$.
Then look for a relation in degree $d$, for $d=1,2,\ldots$. To prove that there is no equation in small degree, look at the vanishing of your relation in a neighbourhood of each $P_i$.
For example, for $d=1$: $a_1\eta_1+a_2\eta_2+a_3\eta_3=0$ in a neighbourhood of $P_1$ forces $a_1=0$, in a neighbourhood of $P_2$ forces $a_2=0$. So we are left with $a_3\eta_3=0$ which implies $a_3=0$.
For $d=2$: $\sum_{i \leq j} a_{ij}\eta_i\eta_j=0$ in a neighbourhood of $P_1$ forces $a_{11}=0$, in a neighbourhood of $P_2$ forces $a_{22}=0$. So we are left with $a_{12}\eta_1\eta_2=-\eta_3\sum_i a_{i3}\eta_i$: a neighbourhood of $P_3$ gives $a_{12}=0$. Then an equation of degree $2$, if it exists, is divisible by $\eta_3$, a contradiction since the equation of minimal degree has to be irreducible.
For $d=3$: $\sum_{i \leq j \leq k} a_{ijk}\eta_i\eta_j\eta_k=0$ in a neighbourhood of $P_1$ forces $a_{111}=0$, in a neighbourhood of $P_2$ forces $a_{222}=0$. So we are left with $\eta_1\eta_2(a_{112}\eta_1+a_{122}\eta_2)=-\eta_3\sum_{i\leq j} a_{ij3}\eta_i\eta_j$. So $a_{112}\eta_1+a_{122}\eta_2$ vanishes twice on $P_3$, as $\eta_3$. Then, if the divisor of $a_{112}\eta_1+a_{122}\eta_2$ is different from the one of $\eta_3$, $P_1+P_2$ is movable and therefore the curve is hyperelliptic. On the other hand, since $4P_1$ and $4P_2$ are canonical divisors, $P_1$ and $P_2$ should be Weierstrass points, and then $P_1+P_2$ can't move, a contradiction. So up to a scalar $a_{112}\eta_1+a_{122}\eta_2$ equals $\eta_3$, again a relation in degree $1$, a contradiction.
Finally for $d=4$ we can directly notice that the divisor of $\eta_3^4$ contains the divisor of $\eta_1\eta_2$ so $\frac{\eta_3^4}{\eta_1\eta_2}$ can be written as a quadric in the $\eta_i$, with divisor $8P_3$. If your computations are correct, some more manipulations as above should give that this quadric can be written as a $\eta_1^2-\eta_2^2$, again up to rescaling the $\eta_i$, of course.