Let $k$ be an algebraic closed charateristic zero field. Let $G$ be a reductive group over $k$ and let $X$ be a scheme (not necessarily separated) of finite type over $k$. Let $L$ be a line bundle over $X$. Let $G$ acts on $X$ and linearise $L$, denoted by $G\curvearrowright(X,L)$. 

In Mumford's *Geometric invariant theory* and Dogachev's *Lectures on invariant theory* (chapter 8), semistability is defined for geometric points, and they form an open subset $X^{\mathrm{ss}}$. The same is true for stable points $X^{\mathrm{s}}$. Unstable points are defined as the complement of semistable points, $X^{\mathrm{us}}:=X\setminus X^{\mathrm{ss}}$. I wonder why these notions are defined pointwise in stead of define ''(semi)stable open subscheme'' and ``unstable subscheme''. 

One reason for $X^{\mathrm{(s)s}}$ I guess is because open subschemes behave nice. If we write $X_0\subset X$ the subspace of closed points of $X$, then since $X$ is Jacobson, the set of open subsets of $X$ and the set of open subsets of $X_0$ are bijective 
$$\{\textrm{open subsets of } X\}\overset{\textrm{1-1}}{\longleftrightarrow}\{\textrm{open subsets of }X_0\}\\O\mapsto O\cap X_0.$$
Also, open subsets of $X$ have natural open subscheme structures. So defining the ''semistable open subscheme'' of $X$ is equivalent to defining semistable closed points of $X$. 

My question arises when I want to consider the unstable locus $X^{\mathrm{us}}$, and the strictly semistable locus $X^{\mathrm{sss}}:=X^{\mathrm{ss}}\setminus X^{\mathrm{s}}$. They are now defined as topological subspaces, $X^{\mathrm{us}}\subset X$ is closed and $X^{\mathrm{sss}}\subset X$ is locally closed. I think it is natural to consider subscheme structures on $X^{\mathrm{us}}$ and $X^{\mathrm{sss}}$. 

There are reaserch about $X^{\mathrm{us}}$ and $X^{\mathrm{sss}}$ when $X$ is a smooth variety. For example the instability decomposition (Kempf), characterizing how unstable a point is, and the partial desingulariastion (Kirwan), a $G$-equivariant blowing up $\tilde X\to X$ with a linearisation $\tilde L$ on $\tilde X$ such that $\tilde X^{\mathrm{ss}}=\tilde X^{\mathrm{s}}$. To generalise their results to appropriate schemes (e.g. non-reduced varieties), I think it is necessarily to consider subschemes on $X^{\mathrm{us}}$ and $X^{\mathrm{sss}}$. 


<cite authors="Kempf, George R.">_Kempf, George R._, [**Instability in invariant theory**](http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/1971168), Ann. Math. (2) 108, 299-316 (1978). [ZBL0406.14031](https://zbmath.org/?q=an:0406.14031).</cite>

<cite authors="Kirwan, Frances Clare">_Kirwan, Frances Clare_, [**Partial desingularisations of quotients of nonsingular varieties and their Betti numbers**](http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/1971369), Ann. Math. (2) 122, 41-85 (1985). [ZBL0592.14011](https://zbmath.org/?q=an:0592.14011).</cite>

<cite authors="Mumford, D.; Fogarty, J.; Kirwan, F.">_Mumford, D.; Fogarty, J.; Kirwan, F._, [**Geometric invariant theory.**](http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-57916-5), Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 2. Folge. 34. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 320 p. (1994). [ZBL0797.14004](https://zbmath.org/?q=an:0797.14004).</cite>

<cite authors="Dolgachev, Igor">_Dolgachev, Igor_, Lectures on invariant theory, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series. 296. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. xvi, 220 p. (2003). [ZBL1023.13006](https://zbmath.org/?q=an:1023.13006).</cite>