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(This should have been a comment, but got too long, sorry)

Let us call $Iso(G)$ the full isometry group of the homogeneous space $G/H$, i.e., the largest group that acts transitively and effectively on $G/H$.

  1. Expanding on Claudio's comment, e.g., the sphere $S^{4n+3}$ can be written as $SO(4n+5)/SO(4n+4)$, $SU(2n+1)/SU(2n)$ or $Sp(n+1)/Sp(n)$, and there are (arbitrarily) small deformations of the round metric -- through so-called Berger metrics -- that make the (identity component of the) full isometry group drop from $SO(4n+5)$ to $SU(2n+1)$ or $Sp(n)$. Notice that $Iso(G/H)$ actually drops in dimension under this deformation of homogeneous metrics, not only looses some component as in item 3 below. For one more example on $\mathbb C P^n$, see my answer here;

  2. The full isometry group $Iso(G/H)$ of every homogeneous space $G/H$ with positive sectional curvature was computed by Shankar, see table given in Figure 3.

  3. Elaborating on Alex's comment, if we take $(M,g)$ any Riemannian manifold and consider $(M\times M,g\oplus\lambda g)$, then for $\lambda=1$ there is always an extra isometry, namely the one that exchanges both factors $M$.