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Johannes Ebert
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If $M$ is a homotopy sphere of dimension $4k>0$, then the signature is clearly zero. By the Hirzebruch signature theorem, you get $0=\langle L_k (TM); [M] \rangle = b_k \langle p_k (TM); [M] \rangle$ for a certain number $b_k \neq 0$. Therefore, the Pontrjagin classes of $TM$ are all trivial, and hence the $\hat{A}$-genus is zero. This settles part (1).

Part (2) is harder. Adams proved in his $J(X)$ papers (it is one of the main results stated in the introduction to part IV) that the unit map from the sphere spectrum to $KO$ is surjective in homotopy of degrees $8k+1$ and $8k+2$. The unit map $\mathbb{S} \to KO$ factors as

$$\mathbb{S} \to MSpin \to KO$$

with the first map the unit and the second the Atiyah-Bott-Shapiro orientation. All that is needed to show this claim is that the $\alpha$-invariant of a point is $1$ (this is a statement about the homomorphism $\pi_0 (MSpin) \to \pi_0 (KO)$).

Therefore, there exists framed manifolds of dimension $8k+1$ and $8k+2$ whose $\alpha$-invariants (as spin manifolds) are nonzero.

Now use the work of Kervaire-Milnor. They prove in ''Groups of homotopy spheres'' that each odd-dimensional framed manifold is framed cobordant to a homotopy sphere, if the dimension is at least $5$. Take a framed manifold of dimension $8k+1$ with nonzero $\alpha$ and replace it by a homotopy sphere cobordant to it. Therefore, $\beta_n$ is surjective if $n = 8k+1$ (for $k=0$, this is also true).

In dimensions $8k+2$, a framed manifold is framded cobordant to a homotopy sphere if and only if its Kervaire invariant is zero. This is why I do not see a short argument in that case.

EDIT: let me remark that $\beta_2$ is not surjective: the unique spin structure on $S^2$ has $\alpha=0$; to get a nonzero $\alpha$, you need the torus.

EDIT II: in dimensions 8k+2, the argument (due to Milnor, I believe) is as follows. Take a homotopy sphere $\Sigma^{8k+1}$ with nonzero $\alpha$-invariant, and take the product $M=\Sigma \times S^1$, where $S^1$ has the spin structure with nonzero $\alpha$-invariant. Then $M$ has nonzero $\alpha$-invariant as well. Then do surgery on the embedded $x \times S^1$; the result is a homotopy sphere, and the $\alpha$-invariant is unchanged.

Johannes Ebert
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