You can try with Brown's book

[Cohomology of groups][1],

Chapter V, Section 6, p. 121 ("Application: calculation of the homology of an abelian group").

Maybe take also a look at the following papers by Baumslag, Dyer and Groves:

[The integral homology of finitely presented metabelian groups I][2]

Amer. Journal of Math. 104 (1982), 173-182

[The integral homology of finitely presented metabelian groups II][3]

Amer. Journal of Math. 109 (1987), 133-156

and at the references therin.

**EDIT.** J. Schafer's thesis

J. Schafer, On the homology ring of an abelian group, Dissertation, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill., 1965

seems strictly related to what you are looking for. However, I could not find any published paper with this title. The only Shafer's paper related to homology of abelian groups seems to be

[J. Schafer: Abelian groups with a vanishing homology group][4]

Canad. J. Math. 21(1969), 406-409. 

