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Surjectivity of $f\colon\Gamma_Z(M)\rightarrow\bigoplus_{p\in Z\backslash Z'}\Gamma_{pR_p}(M_p)$

Suppose $Z'\subseteq Z\Spec R$ such that every elements in $Z\backslash Z'$ is a minimal element (w.r.t $\subseteq$) in $Z$. If $M$ is an $R$-module, consider that $\Gamma_Z(M)=\left\{m\in M\mid\Supp_R R(m)\subseteq Z\right\}$.

One defines $f\colon\Gamma_Z(M)\rightarrow\bigoplus_{p\in Z\backslash Z'}\Gamma_{pR_p}(M_p)$ such that $f(m)=(m\slash 1)_{p\in Z\backslash Z'}$. I need to prove that $f$ is surjective. Any guidance would be helpful for me. (R is Noetherian ring )