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These logic/ZFC/model theory arguments seem out of proportion to the task at hand. Let $k$ be a field and $A$ a finitely generated $k$-algebra over a field $k$. We want to prove that there is a $k$-algebra map from $A$ to a finite extension of $k$. Pick an algebraically closed extension field $k'/k$ (e.g., algebraic closure of a massive transcendental extension, or whatever), and we want to show that if the result is known in general over $k'$ then it holds over $k$. We just need some very basic commutative algebra, as follows.

Proof: We may replace $k$ with its algebraic closure $\overline{k}$ in $k'$ and $A$ with a quotient $\overline{A}$ of $A \otimes_k \overline{k}$ by a maximal ideal (since if the latter equals $\overline{k}$ then $A$ maps to an algebraic extension of $k$, with the image in a finite extension of $k$ since $A$ is finitely generated over $k$). All that matters is that now $k$ is perfect and infinite.

By the hypothesis over $k'$, there is a $k'$-algebra homomorphism $$A' := k' \otimes_k A \rightarrow k',$$ or equivalently a $k$-algebra homomorphism $A \rightarrow k'$. By expressing $k'$ as a direct limit of finitely generated extension fields of $k$ such an algebra homomorphism lands in such a field (since $A$ is finitely generated over $k$). That is, there is a finitely generated extension field $k'/k$ such that the above kind of map exists. Now since $k$ is perfect, there is a separating transcendence basis $x_1, \dots, x_n$, so $k' = K[t]/(f)$ for a rational function field $K/k$ (in several variables) and a monic (separable) $f \in K[t]$ with positive degree. Considering coefficients of $f$ in $K$ as rational functions over $k$, there is a localization $$R = k[x_1,\dots,x_n][1/h]$$ so that $f \in R[t]$. By expressing $k'$ as the limit of such $R$ we get such an $R$ so that there is a $k$-algebra map $$A \rightarrow R.$$ But $k$ is infinite, so there are many $c \in k^n$ such that $h(c) \ne 0$. Pass to the quotient by $x_i \mapsto c_i$. QED

I think the main point is twofold: (i) the principle of proving a result over a field by reduction to the case of an extension field with more properties (e.g., algebraically closed), and (ii) spreading out (descending through direct limits) and specialization are very useful for carrying out (i).

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