This is the earliest reference I have located: <A HREF="">Minkowski-Farkas Lemma in Banach Spaces</A>, L. Hurwicz (1952). The same result was also referred to as the Minkowski-Farkas-Weyl theorem in the 1950's, for example in <A HREF="">The strong Minkowski-Farkas-Weyl theorem for vector spaces over ordered fields</A>, A. Charnes and W.W. Cooper (1958). The three authors are associated with this result in view of the following contributions: * H. Minkowski, *Geometrie der Zahlen* (Leipzig, 1896). * J. Farkas, "*Theorie der einfachen Ungleichungen*," J. F. Reine u. Ang. Mat., **124**, 1-27 (1902). * H. Weyl, "*Elementare Theorie der konvexen Polyeder*," Comm. Helvet., **7**, 290-306 (1935).