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Non-compact structure group and compactly supported gauge transformations

Let $\pi\colon P\to X$ be a locally trivial principal $G$-bundle over a Hausdorff paracompact space $X$, where $G$ is a topological group (we work in the category of topological spaces, as I do not think smooth structures are relevant to the question I am asking).

The group $\mathrm{Gau}(P)$ of gauge transformations is the group of automorphisms of $P$ covering the identity of $X$ (the group structure is given by composition, of course). A gauge transformation with compact support is an $f\in\mathrm{Gau}(P)$ which is the identity on $P\setminus\pi^{-1}(K)$, where $K$ is some compact subset of $X$. Clearly the set of gauge transformations with compact support forms a subgroup $\mathrm{Gau}_c(P)\subset \mathrm{Gau}(P)$.

I've been reading [1] and stumbled across a sentence (second page, first column) which in the above notation reads as:

If $G$ is not compact, then $\mathrm{Gau}_c(P)=\{\mathrm{id}_P\}$.

Alas, I could not come up with a proof. Any suggestion?

[1] Smoothness of the action of the gauge transformation group on connections, M. C. Abbati, R. Cirelli, A. Manià, and P. Michor, J. Math. Phys. 27, 2469 (1986),

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