Let us consider the sequences $(x_n), (a_n)$, starting with $n=0$ and $x_0\in ]0,1[$, defined by the following generalized Gaussian map:
$$x_{n+1}=\frac{\lambda_n}{x_n^{\alpha_n}}-\Big\lfloor \frac{\lambda_n}{x_n^{\alpha_n}}\Big\rfloor, \mbox{ } \mbox{ } 
\mbox{ }  a_n=\Big\lfloor\frac{\lambda_n}{ {x_n^{\alpha_n}}}\Big\rfloor$$

where $\lambda_0,\lambda_1\dots$ and $\alpha_0,\alpha_1\dots$ are positive real numbers. For convergence and to make sense, they must satisfy some conditions not discussed here. Continued fractions correspond to $\lambda_0=\lambda_1\dots=1$ and $\alpha_0=\alpha_1\dots=1$. Generalized continued fractions correspond to $\alpha_0=\alpha_1\dots=1$.

The number $x_0$ can be reconstructed using the following infinite backward recursion, starting with a large $n=N$ and replacing $x_{N+1}$ by $0$, and then iteratively going down to $n=0$. 
Convergence is very fast, so even $N=30$ will give you more than 15 digits of accuracy for $x_0$, depending on the parameters.

This is the same scheme used to compute $x_0$'s continued fraction, and it will produce the same traditional continued fraction if all $\alpha_n$'s are equal to $1$. Here I assume $\alpha_n=\alpha, \lambda_n=\lambda$: they do not depend on $n$. 

**My question**

The behavior of $a_n$ (these are the $[a_0,a_1,\dots]$ in the continued fraction expansion of $x_0$) is very chaotic for most numbers, but if you replace $\alpha$ by a value lower than $1$, it seems that the coefficients $a_n$ are bounded, or at least their expected value is not infinite anymore. The equilibrium distribution for $(x_n)$ if $\alpha=1$ seems to be
$$F_X(x)=\frac{\log(1+\lambda x)}{1+\lambda}, 0\leq x \leq 1.$$
This is just a slight generalization of the well known case when $\lambda=1$. All this relate to ergodic, chaotic dynamical systems associated with numeration systems, the base-$10$ system being based on the tenfold map, while the system described here is based on a generalization of the Gauss-Kuzmin-Wirsing operator (see [here][1] and [here][2]). The coefficients $a_n$'s are called the digits.

I am wondering is this could lead to interesting results about approaching irrational numbers by other rational or irrational numbers. For instance, if $\lambda=1,\alpha=9$ and $x_0=\pi-3$, you get, with just one iteration,

$$\pi-3\approx (43715304)^\frac{1}{9},$$

correct to $9$ digits. Also, what are the conditions for convergence? What are the conditions on $\alpha,\lambda$ so that the $a_n$'s are bounded or have finite expectation?

  [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gauss%E2%80%93Kuzmin%E2%80%93Wirsing_operator
  [2]: https://www.datasciencecentral.com/profiles/blogs/number-representation-systems-explained-in-one-picture