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Ricardo Andrade
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$\newcommand{\To}{\longrightarrow}$$\newcommand{\dash}{\text{-}}$$\newcommand{\sSet}{\mathrm{sSet}}$$\newcommand{\ZZ}{\mathbb{Z}}$For simplicity (and generality), let me denote by $G$ the group $(\ZZ/p)^\times$, and by $X$ the simplicial set $B(\ZZ/p)$. I will prove that $$ X/G \simeq (X\times_G EG)/BG \simeq B(\ZZ/p \rtimes G)/BG $$

As observed in the question, $X$ is a pointed $G$-simplicial set, and the action of $G$ on $X$ is free on every simplex which is not in the basepoint of $X$. This implies that the inclusion of the basepoint $1\to X$ is a cofibration in the projective model structure on $G$-simplicial sets. In other words, $X$ is a cofibrant object in the projective model structure on pointed $G$-simplicial sets.

Now observe that quotienting out by the action of $G$ is a left Quillen adjoint from pointed $G$-simplicial sets to pointed simplicial sets. I will denote this left Quillen adjoint by $F$: $$ F : G\dash\sSet_\ast \To \sSet_\ast $$

Since $X$ is a cofibrant object in the domain of $F$, the quotient $X/G = F(X)$ is weakly equivalent to $LF(X)$, the left derived functor of $F$ applied to $X$:

$$ X/G \simeq LF(X) $$ Importantly, $LF(X)$ is weakly equivalent to the quotient of the Borel construction on $X$ by its subspace $BG$: $$ LF(X) \simeq (X\times_G EG)/BG \rlap{\qquad\qquad\text{(#)}} $$ Here, $BG$ includes into the Borel construction via the basepoint of $X$: $$ BG = EG/G = 1\times_G EG \To X\times_G EG $$ At the end of this answer, I will give a proof of formula (#), which simply states the well-known result that the homotopy quotient by $G$ in $\sSet_\ast$ (pointed simplicial sets) is equivalent to the homotopy quotient by $G$ in $\sSet$ further modded out by $BG$.

Finally, as observed in the comments, the Borel construction $X\times_G EG = B(\ZZ/p)\times_G EG$ is actually equivalent to $B(\ZZ/p \rtimes G)$, the classifying space of the semi-direct product. In conclusion: $$ X/G \simeq B(\ZZ/p \rtimes G)/BG $$

Proof of (#): Consider the sequence of left Quillen adjoints: $$ EG \downarrow G\dash\sSet \overset{T}{\To} 1 \downarrow G\dash\sSet \overset{F}{\To} 1\downarrow\sSet \ (= \sSet_\ast) $$ where the first functor $T$ is left adjoint to pre-composing with $EG\to 1$, i.e. $T$ quotients out by $EG$. Since $EG\to 1$ is a weak equivalence of $G$-simplicial sets, and $G$-simplicial sets form a left proper model category, the functor $T$ is actually a Quillen equivalence. So $X \simeq LT(X)$, where $X$ is seen as an object under $EG$ via $EG\to 1\to X$, and $LT$ is the left derived functor of $T$. Consequently: $$ LF(X) \simeq LF\circ LT(X) \simeq L(F\circ T)(X) \simeq (X\times_G EG)/BG $$ The last weak equivalence is obtained by expressing $F\circ T$ as the composite of the left Quillen adjoints $$ EG\downarrow G\dash\sSet \overset{(-)/G}{\To} BG\downarrow\sSet \overset{(-)/BG}{\To} 1\downarrow\sSet $$ and noting that since $EG$ is cofibrant, the left derived functor of $(-)/G$ is weakly equivalent to the Borel construction.

Ricardo Andrade
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