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I recently found an answer to a similar question. Suppose: $$(\forall V\in \mathcal U)(\exists W\in \mathcal U)(U\circ W\subseteq V\circ U)$$ By choice,for each $V \in \mathcal U$, some symmetric $D_V\in \mathcal U$ such that $$D_V\circ D_V\subseteq V$$

and there's some symmetric $W_V\in \mathcal U$ such that:

$$U\circ W_V \subseteq D_V\circ U$$ and $$W_V\subseteq D_V$$

so $$W_V\circ U\circ W_V \subseteq W_V\circ D_V\circ U\subseteq D_V\circ D_V\circ U\subseteq V\circ U$$


$$\overline U=\bigcap_{W\in \mathcal U}W\circ U \circ W\subseteq \bigcap_{V\in \mathcal U}W_V\circ U \circ W_V\subseteq \bigcap_{V\in \mathcal U}V\circ U\subseteq U\circ U$$

Now see this thread.
