Personal comment: I am sorry to add to the number of answers to what should be a fairly simple question. Nevertheless, I feel that the currently existing answers may be creating some confusion on the matter. I hope to address that with my answer, which would actually be more suited as a comment. Alas, it is too long for that. $\newcommand{\Ab}{\mathrm{Ab}} \newcommand{\To}{\longrightarrow} \newcommand{\rightset}[2]{#2\rlap{\scriptstyle #1}}$
Peter May's answer is quite interesting and — very importantly — cautions us to pay attention to the necessary details. On the other hand, I believe his answer adds needless complication to a rather simple situation. More precisely, I think that Dylan Wilson's original answer, while it ignored all details, was essentially correct. The only subtle point is the functorial identification of the $E^2$-term of a Serre fibration $f:E\to B$, which fundamentally requires doing without a basepoint for $B$, and without the corresponding distinguished fibre of $f$.
Peter May asserts correctly that in the description of the Serre spectral sequence for a fibration $f:E\to B$, one usually assumes:
$B$ is path connected, and pointed;
the action of $\pi_1 B$ on $H_\ast F$ is trivial.
The second hypothesis is a useful simplification which applies in most cases. Moreover, together with condition 1, it allows us to write the $E^2$-term in the following neat, well-known form: $$ E^2_{p,q}=H_p(B,H_q(F)) \qquad\qquad \text{(I)} $$ where $F$ is the fibre of $f$ over the basepoint of $B$. Obviously, without choosing a basepoint for $B$ that expression does not even make sense! Regardless, we can construct the Serre spectral sequence more generally: see, for example, the book More concise algebraic topology by Peter May and Kate Ponto.
For reference, I will briefly describe a common construction of the Serre spectral sequence for any Serre fibration $f:E\to B$; no assumptions are made on $B$ or $f$. We will construct it, without loss of generality, when $B$ is a CW-complex. Then, for a general topological space $B$, we first replace it with a functorial CW-approximation, and pull back the fibration along that approximation. Importantly, the CW-approximation gives a functor from the category of topological spaces to the category of CW-complexes and cellular maps.
For a CW-complex $B$ the spectral sequence is easy to construct. Since $B$ is a CW-complex, we can filter it by its skeleta. The inverse image by $f:E\to B$ of these skeleta gives a filtration on $E$. The Serre spectral sequence is then the spectral sequence associated with the corresponding filtration on the singular chain complex of $E$.
Note that the functoriality of the above spectral sequence (even starting from the $E^1$-term) with respect to maps of Serre fibrations is assured by:
the functoriality of the CW-approximation of a space;
the functoriality of the spectral sequence associated with a filtered chain complex.
A map of Serre fibrations $f\to \overline{f}$ is simply a commutative square $$ \begin{matrix} E & \To & \overline{E} \\ \rightset{f}{\Big\downarrow} & & \rightset{\overline{f}}{\Big\downarrow} \\ B & \To & \overline{B} \\ \end{matrix} $$ In particular, if $G$ acts on a Serre fibration by such maps, then we automatically obtain an induced action of $G$ on the corresponding Serre spectral sequence. It follows readily that the spectral sequence becomes a spectral sequence of $G$-modules, which converges to the homology of the total space seen as a $G$-module. This is a simple consequence of the exactness of the forgetful functor from $G$-modules to abelian groups. This should answer the question, apart from the identification of the $E^2$-term, which is discussed below.
Indispensably, the fibre of the Serre fibration did not actually figure into the above construction of the Serre spectral sequence. In fact, the fibres only make an appearance once one tries to compute the E^2-term. Nevertheless, one can also identify the $E^2$-term in this general case, and moreover, in a functorial manner. The $E^2$-term of the general Serre spectral sequence described above is naturally isomorphic to (which I write here as equal) $$ E^2_{p,q}=H_p(B,H_q(F_\bullet)) \qquad\qquad \text{(II)} $$ with the naturality holding with respect to Serre fibrations $f:E\to B$, and maps of Serre fibrations. Here is a description of the right hand side of (II). Let $F_x=f^{-1}(x)$ be the fibre of $f$ over $x\in B$. In the above expression, $H_q(F_\bullet)$ represents the system of local coefficients on $B$ corresponding to the functor $$ H_q(F_\bullet):\Pi_1(B)\to\Ab $$ from the fundamental groupoid of $B$ to the category of abelian groups, which takes a point $x\in B$ to $H_q(F_x)$, and a path homotopy class $[\gamma]$ in $B$ to the action of the monodromy along $\gamma$ on the homology of the fibres. Then the right hand side of (II) is the homology of $B$ for this system of local coefficients. It is straightforward to check this homology is indeed functorial with respect to maps of Serre fibrations.
Disclaimer: I believe (note the emphasis) that the above functorial identification of the $E^2$-term follows the same recipe as the usual derivation when $B$ is pointed and the fibration is orientable (conditions 1 and 2 above). To be honest, I have not carefully checked the details myself! Please let me know if I am in error. Nevertheless, it appears to be considered folklore knowledge. Furthermore, I cannot actually provide a reference to the above identification of the $E^2$-term. The only textbook I found which referred to local coefficients in the Serre spectral sequence was the aforementioned book by May and Ponto, but they assume $B$ is pointed (and connected), and do not appear to prove a natural isomorphism for the $E^2$-term. Can anyone provide a reference, or otherwise point out my error?
In particular, this functorial identification of the $E^2$-term finishes the answer to the question: the $E^2$-term, identified as the right hand side of (II), becomes a $G$-module in the canonical manner when $G$ acts on a Serre fibration. The fundamental ingredient was that (II) removed any reference to a basepoint of the base space $B$.
Finally, when we do have a basepoint for $B$, the naturality of the identification of the $E^2$-term as in (I) follows from the general case (II). After all, under conditions 1 and 2 above, the local coefficients over $B$ appearing in (II) are trivial, and canonically identifiable with the homology of the fibre $F$ of $f$ over the basepoint of $B$. The functoriality of the right hand side of (I) is the obvious one, at least with respect to maps of Serre fibrations which preserve the basepoint of the base spaces. For maps which do not preserve the basepoints, the functoriality makes use of the canonical identification of the homology of any two fibres of $f:E\to B$, which is a consequence of condition 2. In case condition 2 does not hold, this identification is impossible, and one is stuck working with local coefficients: it is then best to forego the basepoint of $B$ entirely.