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Matthieu Romagny
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Extension class and cup product

Recall that the group $Ext^1(F'',F')$ parametrizes extensions $$0 \rightarrow F' \rightarrow F \rightarrow F'' \rightarrow 0$$ as follows: given one such extension, consider the long exact cohomology sequence arising from the functor $Hom(F'',\bullet)$. If $\delta$ is the connecting coboundary map $$\delta:Hom(F'',F'') \rightarrow Ext^1(F'',F')$$ and we set $\theta\in Ext^1(F'',F')$ to be the image of the identity map on $F''$ under $\delta$, mthis process gives a 1-1 correspondence between isomorphism classes of extensions of $F''$ by $F'$, and elements of the group $Ext^1(F'',F')$.

Note that if $E''$ is locally free, we have an isomorphism. $Ext^1(F'',F')=H^1(F''^{\ast}\otimes F')$. I have read that the coboundary map $\delta$ is actually obtained by taking cup-product with the extension class $\theta$.

I was wondering whether someone could provide some insight on this last statement.

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