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There is a good way to compute rotation number of a circle homeomorphism (this was the way Poincaré thinked of it): you calculate the rotation number buy its continued fraction in a direct way.

You start from a point $x$ and $f(x)$: this gives you a decomposition of the circle into points that are on the right side of $x$ (in $]x,f(x)[$) and points which are on its left side (in $]f(x),x[$). You look at $f^2(x)$ and you write $R$ if it is on the right side of $x$, $L$ otherwise. Iteranting $f$ you find a sequence of $R$'s and $L$'s. If you get $LLLLR$, for example, you record 4 (this is the number of $L$'s) and you approximate the rotation number of $f$ by $1/4$.

Renormalizing $f$, you iterate this process finding $\rho=[0,a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_k]$.

I won't be more precise here.

Every detail is very well explained in de Melo & van Strien's One-Dimensional Dynamics, section I.1.

You can find a paper by Bruin (Numerical determination of the continued fraction expansion of the rotation number) in which he compares different methods on Arnold tongues.

Recently, I wrote for myself some sage lines implementing the algorithm I described you. I can send it to you if you are interested.

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