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Part 1 is not true for rank 1 curves. If $\mathbb{Q}(\phi^{-1}(E(\mathbb{Q})))=\mathbb{Q}$ then every prime trivially splits in $\mathbb{Q}(\phi^{-1}(E(\mathbb{Q})))$. I will now give an explicit example of an isogeny between rank 1 curves $\phi:E' \to E$ such that $\mathbb{Q}(\phi^{-1}(E(\mathbb{Q})))=\mathbb{Q}$.

Let $E'$ be the curve with Cremona label 189b2, it is given by $y^2 + y = x^3 - 54x - 88$. One has that $E'(\mathbb{Q})\cong\mathbb{Z} \times \mathbb{Z}/3\mathbb{Z}$. The free part is generated by $P':=(-6 : 4 : 1)$ and the torsion part is generated by $T':=(12 : -32 : 1)$. Now let $\phi:E' \to E$ be the isogeny whose kernel is generated by $T'$. Then $E$ is the elliptic curve with cremona label 189b3. Now $E(\mathbb{Q}) \cong \mathbb Z$ and with an explicit calculation one can show that $E(\mathbb{Q})$ is generated by $P:=\phi(P')$. So $\mathbb{Q}(\phi^{-1}(E(\mathbb{Q})))=\mathbb{Q}$ as requested.

A computer search of an isogeny between rank 1 curves $\phi:E' \to E$ such that $\mathbb{Q}(\phi^{-1}(E(\mathbb{Q})))=\mathbb{Q}$ of all elliptic curves up to conductor 1000 gave 225 counter examples. The example above is the one with smallest conductor. Code for performing this search can be found at

Update on part 1:

I extended the search to rank > 1 curves and also found multiple examples of an isogeny between rank 2 curves $\phi:E' \to E$ such that $\mathbb{Q}(\phi^{-1}(E(\mathbb{Q})))=\mathbb{Q}$. An example is where $E'$ is the elliptic curve defined by $y^2 + xy + y = x^3 + x^2 - 71x - 196$ and the kernel of $\phi$ is generated by $(9 : -5 : 1)$. The Cremona label of $E'$ is '3315b2'. I did not find any examples of rank 3 after searching trough all elliptic curves of conductor < 100000.

ps. Note that my counter examples to part one are not counter examples to Lang-Trotter. The reason is that the Lang-Trotter conjecture is a conjecture about the density of the of the primes such that the reduction is surjective. In my examples both the conjectured density and the actual density are both 0.

Part 3: Let $E$ be a non CM rank 1 elliptic curve that is the only one in it's isogeny class. Then the only isogenies to $E$ are the multiplication by $n$ maps. For concreteness I let $E$ be the curve among all curves with these properties of smallest conductor. This curve $E$ is given by $y^2 + y = x^3 - x$ and $E(\mathbb Q)= \mathbb Z$ is generated by $P=(0 : -1 : 1)$. Now let $p=23$ then $\\#E(\mathbb F_p)=22$ but the order of $P$ after reduction is $11$ so that the index is $2$. This means that the obstruction cannot come from an isogeny because this would mean that it comes from some multiplication by $n$ map and hence that the index should not be squarefree.

In the article of Lang and Trotter where they state their conjecture they give a criterion in terms of $\mathbb Q(l^{-1}E(\mathbb Q))$ that is equivalent to $l$ being a divisor of the index. If you read that obstruction carefully you will realize that its really easy to cook up counter examples to part $3$, in particular using their criterion one can show that the set of $p$ such that reduction mod $p$ is a counter example has positive density for the above $E$.