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Fixed Mathematica code formatting with use of 'pre' tag. Reduced size of second image, so it matches first image.

Here is a bit of Mathematica code that rather supports Joseph's conclusion.

Tet[phi_] := {{Sin[phi], 0, Cos[phi]}, {-Sin[phi], 0, Cos[phi]}, {0, 
   Sin[phi], -Cos[phi]}, {0, -Sin[phi], -Cos[phi]}};

Rect[a_, phi_] := Module[{x, y, u, w},
  {x, y, u, w} = Tet[phi]; 
  Polygon[{a x + (1 - a) u, a x + (1 - a) w, a y + (1 - a) w, 
    a y + (1 - a) u}]];

v = Subsets[Range[4], {3}];

 Graphics3D[{Opacity[0.2], Sphere[{0, 0, 0}, 1], Opacity[0.3], 
   GraphicsComplex[Tet[phi], Polygon[v]], Opacity[0.8], 
   Rect[a, phi]}], {phi, 0, Pi/2}, {a, 0, 1}]

Using parameters like a=0.9, phi=1.4 one obtains an elongated rectangle inscribed a flat tetrahedron, close to an equatorial plane. The maximal inscribed ellipse in this rectangle hardly is contained in any triangle that fits in the unit ball.

    rectangle in tetrahedron in sphere

Edit (2):

The following improved version uses an analytic solution for tetrahedra $ABCD$ with $[AB]$ perpendicular to $[CD]$, and the maximal ellipse $E$ in a plane cutting $ABCD$ parallel to $[AB]$ and $[CD]$. In this case the maximal distance of the vertices of the smallest enclosing triangle $T'$ from the origin is

    $1 - 2 (1 - a) a (1 + \cos(\phi - \psi))\leq 1$ for $0 < a < 1 $,

where $A=(\sin \phi, 0, \cos\phi)$, $B=(-\sin \phi, 0, \cos\phi)$ , $C=(0, \sin \psi, -\cos\psi)$, $D=(0, - \sin \psi, -\cos\psi)$. Thus in all these cases the triangle $T'$ lies inside $B$.

I even think that all other (nontrivial) cases of $E\subset T$ can be reduced to one of the above cases by aligning two edges of the enclosing tetrahedron $T$ to lie along the principal axes of $E$, while keeping $E$ inside. But this I cannot prove yet.


   psi_] := {{Sin[phi], 0, Cos[phi]}, {-Sin[phi], 0, Cos[phi]}, {0, 
    Sin[psi], -Cos[psi]}, {0, -Sin[psi], -Cos[psi]}};
Rect[a_, phi_, psi_] := Module[{x, y, u, w},
   {x, y, u, w} = Tet[phi, psi]; 
   Polygon[{a x + (1 - a) u, a x + (1 - a) w, a y + (1 - a) w, 
     a y + (1 - a) u}]];
v = Subsets[Range[4], {3}];
ParPl[a_, phi_, psi_] := 
  ParametricPlot3D[{a Sin[phi] Cos[t], -(-1 + a) Sin[psi] Sin[t], 
    a Cos[phi] + (-1 + a) Cos[psi]}, {t, 0, 2 Pi}, Boxed -> False, 
   Axes -> False];
Tangent[a_, phi_, psi_, t_, 
   lam_] := {a Sin[phi] Cos[t], -(-1 + a) Sin[psi] Sin[t], 
    a Cos[phi] + (-1 + a) Cos[psi]} + 
   lam {-a Sin[phi] Sin[t], (1 - a) Cos[t] Sin[psi], 0};

 bt = 2 ArcTan[
    1 - (a Csc[psi] Sin[phi])/(-1 + a) - Sqrt[(
     a Csc[psi] Sin[phi] (2 - 2 a + a Csc[psi] Sin[phi]))/(-1 + a)^2]];
 p1 = Tangent[a, phi, psi, bt, Cot[bt]];
 p2 = Tangent[a, phi, psi, bt, -Sec[bt] - Tan[bt]];
 p3 = {-1, 1, 1}*p2;
 Show[Graphics3D[{Opacity[0.2], Sphere[{0, 0, 0}, 1], Opacity[0.3], 
    GraphicsComplex[Tet[phi, psi], Polygon[v]], Opacity[0.8], 
    Rect[a, phi, psi], Green, Polygon[{p1, p2, p3}]}], 
  ParPl[a, phi, psi]], {{phi, Pi/4}, 0, Pi/2}, {{psi, Pi/4}, 0, 
  Pi}, {{a, 0.7}, 0, 1}]


Karl Fabian
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