You look at the case when $X=D$ is a Cartier divisor on $Y$ (so that the relative tangent bundle -- as an element of the K-group -- is the normal bundle $\mathcal N_{D/X}=\mathcal O_D(D)$ (conveniently a line bundle, so is its own Chern root), and $\mathcal F=\mathcal O_D$. And the Todd class pops out right away.
Indeed from the exact sequence $0\to \mathcal O_Y(-D) \to \mathcal O_Y\to \mathcal O_D\to 0$, you get that $$ch(f_! \mathcal O_D)=ch(O_Y(D))= ch(\mathcal O_Y) - ch(\mathcal O_Y(-D)) = 1- e^{-D}.$$ And you need to compare this with the pushforward of $[D]$ in the Chow group, which is $D$. The ratio $$ \frac{D}{1-e^{-D}} = Td( \mathcal O(D) )$$ is what you are after. Now you have just discovered the Todd class. I suspect that this is how Grothendieck discovered his formula, too -- after seeing that this case fits with Hirzebruch's formula, that the same Todd class appears in both cases.